Created to help catechists develop their teaching, spirituality, and methods. Using high quality videos, embedded with references from Church text, it is sure to give catechists a solid foundation.
Midwest Theological Forum’s remarkable series is boosted with system graded assessments, prayer videos and more. Accessible Anywhere, Anytime. High School and Adult Formation
Delve into essential teachings of the Catholic faith with Mike Scherschligt, founder and executive director of the Holy Family School of Faith.
Allow Matthew Kelly, nationally recognized author and speaker, to lead you in a biblical encounter with the inspired Word of God.
This course is a dynamic, online foundational course that helps adults to engage young people in the beautiful teachings of our Church, especially the theology of human sexuality.
This course presents a fresh, online engaging way of reaching teens to embrace the Church’s constant teaching regarding the dignity of the human person and the response of love that everyone deserves.
Ignatius Press's acclaimed series is brought to life with system graded assessments, Steve Ray videos, video games, and more. For Grades 1 - 8.
This course takes a holistic approach in explaining the importance of the body in everyday actions and in the young person’s relationships with family, with friends, and, ultimately, with God.
This video/discussion series will inspire volunteers to respond to Pope Francis' call to accompany the youth towards a deep and fulfilling relationship with Christ and His Church.
Help couples prepare to become "One in Christ.” This course can be modified for your parish’s needs and taken as a group, sponsor/couples, or weekend retreat.
Dive into the history and nature of Charismatic and Hierarchical Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Discern how the Holy Spirit is working in the Church today through videos, activities, and more.
Take a five-course journey along the road of holiness using the foundations of spiritual theology combined with applications to help participants grow in daily prayer life.
You are called to be a missionary! MISSION THEOLOGY helps you explore the why and how of missions within the life of the Church. With every purchase $25 will be donated to a MISSIO project!
Develop coaching programs as a Youth Ministry through a unique blend of Christianity, coaching strategies, and participant engagement. The finest faith-based coaches' training available today.
Coaching Coaches offers a parent program to provide the best sporting experience possible for a parent's child, the coaching staff, organization, officials and the parent.
This program is designed to get our more experienced coaches to reflect on their own coaching style. This program is a real eye opener and very effective with our more experienced coaches.
This course will review the seven sacraments and show you how each of them are rooted in the biblical story of God's unfolding plan to enter into a loving relationship with all of mankind.
As disciples of Jesus Christ in general, we have a unique imperative to seek and "echo" the truth of gender not merely to the culture at large, but most importantly in our accompaniment with each unique, unrepeatable person that we encounter.
Social justice and the fight for basic human rights cannot be accomplished without the first theme of Catholic social teaching: the life and dignity of the human person.
In this course, Fr. Thomas Dailey from the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales describes how the simple, practical wisdom of St. Francis de Sales can help you to grow in holiness through your vocation as a teacher.
In this module, Sr. Connie Schoen presents Dominican life as an ongoing reflection of its founding mission, inviting you to see your life as a continuation of Dominic's story.
The Call to Preach is the heart, the essence of Dominican life. Every member of the Dominican family is charged with the mission to preach the Word through our lives, our actions, and our communities.
The Dominican charism animates us to engage in justice-making rooted in contemplation and truth seeking. This module provides the opportunity to deepen our understanding of the critical justice issues of today in a global context.
In this module, Sr. Toni Harris articulates the diverse expressions of the global Dominican family's preaching mission. Her message is further enhanced by glimpses into Dominican life across the continents.
In this program, you'll discover the history of the sacrament of Baptism and how it is celebrated in our Church. You'll also learn how to help your child to continue growing in the faith and how this journey can help your own faith grow as well.
In this three module program just for godparents, or sponsors, you'll find out more about this first sacrament and how it is celebrated, as well as how you can truly become and stay a part of your godchild's life.
In this 21st century, the church is at a critical crossroads in faith formation. Parishes are losing families and faith no longer seems relevant to our youth. Young people are changing rapidly.
This online independent study course will examine the six fundamental tasks of catechesis that the Church summarizes in the General Directory for Catechesis as the most effective and fruitful means to form authentic disciples of Jesus Christ
Introduction to Scripture and the Gospel Message provides a basic overview of Sacred Scripture that is advantageous for all adult Catholics, but was developed primarily for catechists.
This course based on Pillar Two of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, provides an overview of the Sacraments.
Based on Pillar One of The Catechism of the Catholic Church, students will explore the deeper meaning behind the words professed in the Nicene Creed and in the Apostle's Creed.
This course will examine Vatican II's Constitution on the Church. The Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, deals with the way the Church works.